Traveling & accessibility
With its excellent North Dalmatia location, connecting North and South Croatia, Zadar has ideal location to reach it by car, plane or ferry.
If coming from western or central Europe, there is a highway taking you all the way to Zadar, most suitably from Zagreb even Rijeka direction.
When choosing to reach Zadar by plane, Zadar has excellent flight connections with all the biggest European cities such as : London, Edinbourgh, Paris, Bordeaux, Torino, Bologna, Pisa, Rome, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, Bruxelles, Amsterdam, Prague, Warsaw, Krakow, Zagreb, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia and many others.
Zadar’s airport is located in Zemunik and you can easily reach city centre within 20 min.
A third option to visit Zadar is to come by ferry from Ancona (Italy).
XXVIth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat